Deploy with Ansible
Deployment - Ansible
Minimal Requirements
Ansible scripts are written for the Ubuntu 16.04 or higher
To install ansible
with brew
Check the ansible version:
What is installed and deployed:
Ansible enables the automation of the installation and configuration of the various stack components: All components are dockerised
Certbot to generate and renew ssl certificate
The node backend
The frontend packaged inside an nginx container
The configuration depends on the phase on the system: dev, prod, uat etc ... Each phase has its own directory which contains the configuration files and the inventory of the remote machines.
The global configuration which is independent on the phase is at group_vars/all/vars.yml
To set the production configuration parameters, create group_vars/production.yml:
Then to change the remote machine connection settings (ip address, username, ssh key location), edit the production inventory: production.ini:
Copy the file vault example to a file called vault.yml
The strict necessary is the docker configuration.
Please create a new access token from for docker_hub_password
Ansible roles download
Get ansible dependencies
Deployment to production
Check the connection to the production servers:
Last updated